Youko Tanpou

"All the secrets of the world worth knowing are hiding in plain sight."


A child of the Golmore, Youko was born in a small particularly isolated village. From a young age she knew she was destined for more than a quiet life and yearned to learn more about the world. Upon her father's fourth return and her own 20th year, she expressed her intent to her parents; knowing full well what it meant for her according to the Green Word. After a full week of each side urging the other, eventually the three of them reached a forlorn agreement. Her parents knew that it might very well be the last time they saw their daughter, but had they disallowed they knew she would never truly live a happy life so long as she remained in Golmore.There was no celebration nor pageantry to her departure. To the same end, there was no example to be made of her nor was she made out to be a pariah. To all but her parents, she simply didn't exist anymore as she bade farewell to that small village and struck off on her own.She came to Eorzea shortly after when she hopped a boat headed for Limsa. That was only a couple short years ago, and in those years she had found exactly what she craved. Excitement. Each day brought something new, and since then she's accepted the nation as her new home.


Golmore- While it's not her favorite subject, she's never intentionally tried to avoid her upbringing and still holds some fond memories of her childhood.
Adventuring- Youko took up adventuring to make a living and continue exploring the lands.
Seamstress- She may still be a burgeoning dress maker amongst the Kugane locals, but she's always willing to take on clients and fitting them for whatever attire they require.
Aether Control- Her adventurer life has mostly been through martial weapons, but she's working to improve her control over her own and the aether around her.
Caregiver- Caring by nature, Youko always does her best to ensure those around her are without need.
Protective- She came to Eorzea with nothing, and will quickly bare her fangs to protect what she has.
Mother- Her twins are her world, and she's more than happy to let anyone know that.


OOC info:
-All RP is welcome; as such +18 only
-Player is +25
-Walk ups/tells are ok
-IC and OOC are kept separate and will be kept as such
-That being said, short dialogue or full paragraph based RP are both fine
-I won't RP anything adult with Lalafell

Adventurer Turned Matron

After leaving her home in Golmore and making her way to Limsa, Youko spent a few summers as a Maelstrom partner. She established herself as quite the capable adventurer along with discovering her love for exploring new places. Through the Maelstrom, she learned the ways of the axe and to tame the inner beast of a Warrior; and through joint ventures with Gridania, a middling knowledge of conjuring.During this time she met a woman named Aumione that changed her whole world for the better. She was introduced to the, at the time, Phoenix Lounge and dove into the night life of Eorzea. Soon after she began working at the Phoenix on the side and it gave her the opportunity to meet all sorts of new people and learn so much more about the lands that she still considered foreign to her. It wasn't long until she met her now mate, bond, and wife Rihawke. What started as a chance encounter with Youko working at the bar blossomed into quite the romance for the two of them.It wasn't long before Rihawke popped the question to Youko and there was no way she would refuse. And around the same time the two conceived a pair of twins. The young Viera hadn't expected to be a mother so soon, but life had a funny way of throwing curveballs like that. She bid farewell to the Maelstrom as it was hardly fitting for a pregnant woman to be out swinging an axe, and settled down together with Rihawke.They moved to the Far East where Rihawke introduced Youko to her business conglomerate. The comfort their new life brought let Youko explore things she enjoyed other than fights and she discovered she was quite handy with a needle and thread. Soon after she had a dress shop for herself and was well on her way in creating custom gowns for the elite of Kugane and beyond.Being in the far east like that led to perhaps the biggest change in Youko's life as a chance encounter with an antique peddler in the Kugane markets. Among his wares Youko found a pristine crystaline orb that when she touched it sent a flood of memories across her eyes. Memories of a multi-tailed fox fighting to defend Yanxia so many years ago. With its last moments it wished upon the very star itself for another chance. That second chance was granted as the fox from the memory awoke deep in the jungles of Golmore, it's second chance granted in the very Viera now holding that orb in her hands.Thus did Youko truly awaken to the kitsune she'd always been. The memories are still coming back to her every day, and she struggles to make sense of them amidst her life as a seamstress, a mother, and matron of her manor, but she handles each day as it comes and continues to show the world the grace and love of her position.


Rihawke Bayaqud- Youko's bond, closest love, and spouse. They're so close that you'd think they could feel each other's thoughts and feelings.
Aumione Roulemet- One of Youko's first true friends since coming to Eorzea. A source of inspiration, a kindred spirit, a best friend, a guiding matron, and so much more.
Siobhan "Shiv" Niamh- Aumi's fiancé and Youko's boss. Alongside Aumi she serves as a loving matron over her and is one of the most important members of her "found family".
Merellion Valyndris- Friend, lover, and Godsmother of Youko's children